Monday, October 14, 2024

Garden Tour in Uriah

      On October 9th, 2024, the Monroeville Garden Club visited the home of Janice Huff of Uriah.

     We were greeted by Janice and her sister Pat who were wonderful hosts.  Janice, a great storyteller and flower extraordinaire, told of her grandfather farming the land where she now lives.  Her historical account of the land division showed great pride as well as delight in her beautiful gardens.

     Janice first took us to the white wisteria arbor which was lined with clematis, fireworks goldenrod, pink Gerbers , native azaleas and a wonderful olive tree.

     Our second stop was the front flower bed which contained native azaleas, Angel Trumpet, Brazilian Bachelor Buttons, Periwinkle, More gerber’s, Blue Salvia and Ice Plants.  The purple and blue combinations were striking.

     In the beds in front of her house were Waterfall Hydrangeas, Mexican Brush Sage, and Admiral Semmes native azaleas.

     On the south side of her house, Abutilons in orange and yellow were in bloom.

     Near the rear of the house we gazed upon Pinecone Ginger, Candy Corn Spirea, Anthony Waterer Spirea, Vitex and Mexican Petunias.

     The carport bed was amazing with Blue Daze, yellow Gerbers, Agapanthus, Ghost Plant Sedum and Little Red Vinca.

     Vines were trellised on anything imaginable-bamboo, grapevines, cow panels, tree stumps and farm equipment.

     In the Daniel Wood a unique feature was a cupola, complete with solar lights.  In the Daniel Wood, we also met John at the outhouse, walked along the bridal path and visited the wildflower garden.

     Janice is very dedicated to her garden and we left with a piece of it in our heart and in our hands.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

New Year Begins With a Plant Swap

       The first meeting of the Monroeville Garden Club for the year 2024-2025 was held on September 12th at 1:30 at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.  Hostesses were Laura York, Kay Wilson, and Vonceil Stringer.

     Charlotte Lambert, president, opened the meeting with the distribution of the new year book, discussion of the NGC Horticulture Specialty Flower Show thoughts,  a note from the Bradley family, and discussion of upcoming meetings.  Programs for the year all seem promising and lots of fun!

     A delicious array of finger foods whet all our appetites:  Chicken Salad on beds of lettuce, ham sliders, fruit, rotel dip with crackers, nuts, homemade oatmeal cookies, several different dessert pastries, tea and water.  Gorgeous flower arrangements of hydrangeas and greenery adorned all the tables.

     The meeting ended with the drawing of numbers to see the order that members got to pick which plants they would like to take home.  This corresponded with each member bringing seeds or plants to swap.

Fun for all!  (Submitted by Sammye Long)


               (L to R)  Kay Wilson, Laura York, Vonceil Stringer and Charlotte Lambert.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Local Garden Tours

      On Friday, May 17th, several members of the garden club toured a couple of local gardens.  First stop was at the home of Bev Colquett to look at her hydrangeas.

Next we went to Mexia to  the home Charlie and Robin Rawls.  Robin and her husband have many "named " daylilies and they were performing beautifully on the day of our visit.  Emilie took a number of pictures and a few of those are being shared here.

     In addition to daylilies, the Rawls have a number of other blooming plants and it is evident that their garden receives many hours of care.


Garden Tour in Uriah

       On October 9th, 2024, the Monroeville Garden Club visited the home of Janice Huff of Uriah.      We were greeted by Janice and her ...