Sunday, February 24, 2013

Gulf Shores Garden Club Event

     On February 6th, Pat Hornady, Dora Pelham, Patsy Wadlington and I traveled to Gulf Shores for the "Gulf Shores Garden Club's 22nd Annual Flower Seminar" held at the Erie Meyer Civic Center.

     Felder Rushing was the guest speaker.  According to the bio provided on the webpage of the Gulf Shores Garden Club, Felder is host of "The Gestalt Gardener Radio Show", author and co-author of 17 popular garden books and has had many  magazine articles published in various garden magazines.

     Although Mr. Rushing is a horticulturalist, he talked about forgetting "gardening rules" and approaching gardening in a more relaxed manner.  For instance, he recommended choosing easy  plants that can thrive in our hot and dry climate and thus avoiding having a tombstone epitaph that reads "He Moved Hoses".  Mr. Rushing is a colorful character who uses humor to present common sense gardening advice.  His most recent book is "Slow Gardening - A No Stress Philosophy For All Senses and Seasons".  You can learn more about Mr. Rushing on his website:

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Felder Rushing (image from Gulf Shores Garden Club

Lunch was served in a flowerpot...Chicken Salad Croissant, chips, and cookies.

Sandwich was garnished with a flower tomato.  A fresh carnation was "planted" in the
pot and a package of wildflower seeds was attached to the stem.

Some pots had these gummy worms in the bottom which meant you won a door prize.

Patsy with her door prize.

Felder Rushing's truck.  In the back is a garden which he points to as evidence that
anyone can have a garden anywhere.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

February Meeting Features Garden Craft

     The Monroeville Garden Club met on Thursday, February 14th at 1:00 p.m. at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.  Nancy Ziebach was hostess with Jean Booker as co-hostess.

     Following the business session, Pat Hornady led the group in painting a garden ornament which was a butterfly made using a  (re-claimed) spindle as the body and wings cut from metal flashing.

     After the craft activity, members enjoyed Red Velvet Cake,  heart shaped sandwiches of chicken salad , pimento salad, lemonade and coffee.  Seventeen members attended.

Hostesses Jean Booker and Nancy Ziebach

Pat Hornady's Butterfly

Paula Deen's Red Velvet Cake Recipe
2 eggs
2 1/2 cups cake flour
2 cups sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cocoa
1 cup buttermilk
2 oz. red food coloring
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 lb. butter
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tbs. vinegar

Preheat oven to 350.  Beat eggs, add sugar.  Mix cocoa and food coloring.  Add butter and egg mixture; mix well.  Sift together flour and salt.  Add to creamed mixture alternately with buttermilk.  Blend in vanilla.  In small bowl, combine soda and vinegar and add to mixture.  Pour into three 9 inch round greased and floured pans.  Bake for 20-25 minutes.

1    8 oz. pkg. cream cheese
1    stick butter
1    16 oz. box powdered sugar
1     tsp vanilla
1/2  cup chopped pecans

Combine all ingredients except nuts and beat until fluffy.  Fold in nuts.  Frost cake.

Program on Hydrangeas

       The Monroeville Garden Club met on February 13, 2025, at 1:30 pm at the home of Ree Smith.  Carolyn Hutcherson and June Herring were ...