Saturday, November 29, 2014

Containers Get a "Touch" of Christmas

     Last year we added large red mesh bows to the containers around the square but this year most of the shrubs are so large and the decorative cabbage and kale have grown so, there is little room to put  in a bow.   Even though the scale is not exactly right, smaller red bows were added to drape on the side of the pot.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Club Has Program on Garden Containers

     The Monroeville Garden Club met on Thursday, November 13, at St. John's Episcopal Church in Monroeville, Al.  Dotsy Compton was hostess and LeNette Knapp served as co-hostess.

     The program was presented by Casey Teel, owner of Andalusia Garden Center and Landscaping.  He brought a number of different plant containers and talked about what effect the container had on the growing conditions for the plant.  Mr. Teel then took various gardening questions from the members.

     Following the program and business session, members enjoyed refreshments of  Pumpkin Bread, Turkey Cranberry Sandwiches, Lime Dip and Crackers, Spiced Nuts, Tea and Coffee.

     The following members were in attendance:  Laura Bodiford, Evelyn Bond, Jean Booker, Sara Bradley, Judi Burns, Bev Colquett, Dotsy Compton, Dorothy Crawford, Audrey Griffin, Margaret Groves, Pat Hornady, LeNette Knapp, Dana Shinholster, Ree Smith, Vonceil Stringer, Patsy Wadlington, Sharon Porterfield, and Nancy Ziebach.

LeNette Knapp and Dotsy Compton

Casey Teel, Owner of  Andalusia Garden Center and Landscaping

Dorothy Crawford shares a Christmas hanging basket she made.

Fall Planting Around The Square

     Last month we added decorative cabbage and kale to the containers around the square and in front of City Hall.  After Thanksgiving we will add some red bows to give the containers a touch of Christmas.
     We had some of the cabbage and kale left after planting the containers and these , along with some aztec grass, were used in the bed at Johnson Jeweler's and in the one near the old Monroe County Bank Building.

Program on Hydrangeas

       The Monroeville Garden Club met on February 13, 2025, at 1:30 pm at the home of Ree Smith.  Carolyn Hutcherson and June Herring were ...