Friday, May 22, 2020

April - Distance Gardening

It's hard to keep a good gardener down! When Monroeville Garden Club members realized that they would not be able to gather in person for their April meeting due to COVID19 and quarantine guidelines, they decided to get creative. Sharing pictures of their personal gardens via email was a unique and fun way for members to keep in contact with each other and spread a little sunshine during these unprecedented times. Virtual gardening isn't so bad after all!

Ms. Voncile Stringer's garden

Ms. Voncile Stringer's garden

Ms. Voncile Stringer's garden

Ms. Voncile Stringer's garden

Ms. Voncile Stringer in her garden

Ms. Voncile Stringer's garden

Ms. Voncile Stringer's garden

Blue-eyed Grass from Ms. Brenda Gardener

Autumn Fern from Ms. Brenda Gardner

Antique Rose from Ms. Patsy Wadlington,
purchased from Petals From the Past

Snapdragons from Ms. Nancy Zeibach's garden

Vegetable garden of Ms. Nancy Zeibach

Wild honeysuckle from Ms. Sharon Brewton's garden

Snowball tree from Ms. Sharon Brewton's garden

Chaste Tree just blooming in Ms. Holly Tennimon's garden

Ms. Jean Singleton's garden

Ms. Jean Singleton's garden

Ms. Jean Singleton's garden

Sugar snap pea blooms in Ms. Laura Bodiford's garden

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

March - Fairhope, Al Outing

Members and guests of the Monroeville Garden Club joined together for shopping and dining in Fairhope in March, sans a formal meeting. Hostess Patsy Wadlington and Co-Hostess Carolyn Hutcherson provided refreshments of muffins and chocolates, beautifully packaged in a ribbon tied gift bag with a favor packet of seeds. 

The ladies enjoyed some shopping at Corner Copia Gardens, followed by lunch at Panini Pete's. From there, the ladies explored Green Gates Market which is housed in an industrial-style building and is filled with with a plethora of designer furniture, accents, and gifts. Rounding out the trip was a stop at Hazel's Market in Daphne, which had quite a large assortment of plants. The weather was beautiful and the ladies enjoyed a wonderful outing! 

"Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat." ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder

Hostess Patsy Wadlington, R
Co-Hostess Carolyn Hutcherson, L


Wednesday, May 13, 2020

February Meeting

The Monroeville Garden Club held their Valentine-themed February meeting on the 13th at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church in downtown Monroeville. Laura Bodiford was the hostess and Holly Tennimon was co-hostess.

Club President Bev Colquett opened the meeting by discussing the new planters around the square and what should be planted in them that would last throughout the year. Bev also asked members to brainstorm and come up with other plants better suited for the front and back beds of the "new" courthouse, as the weeds were outperforming the roses. Member Evelyn Bond recommended planting heavenly bamboo, and the consensus was that this was a good choice. A workday was scheduled, along with a few other loose ends being tied, and this concluded the business portion of the meeting.

 Ms. Charlotte Hamm, Baldwin County Master Gardener, then gave an entertaining presentation about incorporating floral arrangements into table decorations. Her PowerPoint presentation included photos of table decorations that ranged from elaborate wedding floral designs to award-winning flower show table settings. Members also learned about the different elements of good floral design including form, line, movement, and scale. Ms. Hamm closed with showing several different ways to decorate a table using a mixture of traditional and non-traditional tableware, plants, and flowers. She recommended estate sales, dollar stores, home improvement stores, and yard sales as good sources for inexpensive and creative items to incorporate into your table decorations.

Members and guests also enjoyed finger sandwiches, fresh fruit, and specialty cake and cookies prepared by Cathy Jo Hudson of Excel.

Ms. Charlotte Hamm, Baldwin County Master Gardener
Valentine dinner table decorated with folded napkins, long-stemmed roses, formal dishes and glassware.

Rustic garden-themed table decorated with burlap, inexpensive wine glasses,
potted plants and herbs, lemons, moss balls, and simple white plates.

Laura Bodiford, Hostess


Program on Hydrangeas

       The Monroeville Garden Club met on February 13, 2025, at 1:30 pm at the home of Ree Smith.  Carolyn Hutcherson and June Herring were ...