Friday, April 2, 2021

February Meeting

The Monroeville Garden Club was able to get together earlier this year for the annual pruning of the Katherine Lee Rose Garden. Six new roses were ordered to replace some of the older, poor-performing roses. Check out the garden if you get the chance!

Garden Club members also met in February at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church. The meeting was hosted by Jeanne Sewell and co-hosted by Elba Bonham.

Mrs. Wendy Byrd, PT, DPT, presented a program on "Body Mechanics in Gardening." She gave a handout on different stretching exercises and recommended these be done both before and after gardening. Another handout illustrated the proper way to use various gardening tools to prevent injuries. Mrs. Byrd also informed members that there are a number of different adaptive tools for the arthritic, the elderly, and physically challenged that can be purchased, depending on the need. A simple Google search for "adaptive garden tools" will present a number of choices.

Following the program members were given individual snack boxes decorated in a garden theme. The menu included pecan salad wraps, candied pecans, sausage pinwheel pastries, cookies, a fruit and cheese cup, along with a choice of spiced tea or water.

Mrs. Wendy Byrd, PT, DPT


Snack Boxes

Garden Tour in Uriah

       On October 9th, 2024, the Monroeville Garden Club visited the home of Janice Huff of Uriah.      We were greeted by Janice and her ...