Mrs. Sherri Scott of the Purple Guinea Studio led the group in painting zinnias on a flower pot. After getting basic instructions on painting the flowers, members then personalized their pot in creative ways.
Sharon Brewton was hostess for the meeting with Jean Singleton and Brenda Gardner as co-hostesses. Members enjoyed cupcakes, snack mix cups, and fresh fruit during the social time.
The following members were in attendance: Bev Colquett,
Dianne Bond, Judi Burns, Sharon Brewton, Brenda Gardner, Pat Hendrix, Charlotte Lambert, Sammye Long, Jeanne Sewell, Jean Singleton, Holly Tennimon, and Patsy Wadlington.
(Seated L to R) Dianne Bond, Jeanne Sewell, Jean Singleton, Holly Tennimon
(Back Row L to R) Brenda Gardner, Bev Colquett, Patsy Wadlington, Judi Burns, Pat Hendrix, Charlotte Lambert and Sammye Long
Garden Club Shenanigans
(L to R) Hostess, Sharon Brewton and Co-Hostesses, Brenda Gardner and Jean Singleton