Saturday, April 22, 2023

An Afternoon At Woodlands

      The April meeting was held April 19, at 1:30 p.m. at Woodlands, the lovely country home of Carol Parker.  Woodlands is a historic plantation house in Gosport, Alabama and was added to the National Register of Historic Places on April 28, 1980.

     A program on "How To Start a Pollinator Garden" was presented by Ms. Charlotte from On the Hill Garden and Market located in Grove Hill, Alabama.  On the Hill Garden and Market opened on March 5, 2022 and is owned by Tommy and Valerie Davis.  Following the program, members enjoyed shopping from the many plants and gift items that were brought from the shop.

     Sara Bradley was hostess for the meeting and co-hostesses were Vonceil Stringer, Dianne Bond, Sherri Eubanks, and Bev Colquett.  Snack boxes were served to members outside under the magnolia trees.  The menu was Chicken Salad Sandwiches, Pimento Cheese Sandwiches, Cheese Straws, cookies and mints.

Program on Hydrangeas

       The Monroeville Garden Club met on February 13, 2025, at 1:30 pm at the home of Ree Smith.  Carolyn Hutcherson and June Herring were ...