The Monroeville Garden Club met on September 14, 2023, at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church. Hostesses were Gail Touchton and Jeanne Sewell.
New President, Charlotte Lambert, called the meeting to order. Attending the meeting were the following: Laura Bodiford, Dianne Bond, Evelyn Bond, Sara Bradley, Sharon Brewton, Judi Burns, Bev Colquett, Sherri Eubanks, Brenda Gardner, Carolyn Hutcherson, Charlotte Lambert, Sammye Long, Emilie Martin, Martha Moorer, Jeanne Sewell, Jean Singleton, Ree Smith, Scarlet Strom, Gail Touchton, and Patsy Wadlington.
Sherri Scott gave a delightful program on watercolor painting. Each member was given brushes, paint and paper on which to paint a pumpkin. Group pictures were taken with members displaying their creations.
New yearbook pages were distributed to each member and programs were discussed. Sign up sheets for the trip to Pensacola in October and Mobile in November were discussed as well as the need for drivers. It was decided that we would need to leave Monroeville by 9:00 a.m. for the trip to Pensacola for an early lunch at Jo's Cafe and then on to tour Celebrations Christmas House and Gardens.
Patsy passed out a financial statement sheet and reminded members that dues should be paid.
A delicious array of refreshments was served which included Wine Cake, chocolate covered almonds, toasted pecans, pimento cheese sandwiches, strawberry cupcakes, and fruit punch. Gorgeous floral arrangements adorned the table along with delightful napkins that had the statement, "Enjoy Simple Pleasures", printed on them.
Nothing says it better to describe our meetings than the "simple pleasures" we have enjoying fellowship, delightful programs, and all around good fun! (Submitted by Sammye Long).
1 Box Butter Pecan Cake Mix
1 Box (small) Instant Vanilla Pudding Mix