Thursday, January 25, 2024

Program on Greenville, Al. Camellia Show

     On January 11, 2024, the Monroeville Garden Club attended their meeting at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.  Ree Smith was hostess along with co-hostesses, Elba Bonham and Bev Colquett.

     A very informative program on the history of camellias in Greenville was presented by Jan Newton, Helena Shirley, and Barbara Middleton.  These ladies also gave us a sensational overview of the upcoming Camellia Show which will be held January 27-28 in Greenville  and its importance to the town of Greenville, “The Camellia City” as it was known since the 1930’s.  It was noted that Greenville did officially become “The Camellia City” and was responsible for the Camellia Japonica being named the Alabama State flower.

    Club members were invited and encouraged to attend the Camellia Show sponsored by the American Camellia Society, January 27-28, from 1:00-4:00 pm at Beeland Park in Greenville, Al.  Admission is free.

     After the program,  members and guests were served a delicious array of food: Ham Sliders, Fruit Kabobs, Brownies, Banana Muffins, Salted Cameral Shortbread Bars, coffee and spiced tea.

     Two new members were welcomed and introduced to the Club:  Kay Wilson and June Herring.  We are all very excited to welcome these new participants and look forward to the February meeting at Charlotte Lambert’s home in  Uriah.   (Submitted by Sammye Long)

Hostess and Co-Hostesses (L to R)
Ree Smith, Bev Colquett, and Elba Bonham

Our Speaker - Jan Newton

                                     (L to R)  Jean Singleton and new member, June Herring.

(L to R)  New member, Kay Wilson and Jeanne Sewell

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Christmas Luncheon For the December Meeting

     The Monroeville Garden Club celebrated Christmas on December 14, 2023, at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church with a delicious luncheon catered by Mrs. Theresa’s.  The menu included Beef Tenderloin, Green Bean Bundles, Pasta Tortellini, Rolls, Blueberry or Cherry Cobbler, water and tea.

     The food was served on a gorgeous buffet and members ate at beautiful tables arranged by the table hostesses:  Dianne Bond, Sammye Long, Ann Pridgen, Emilee Martin, Carolyn Hutcherson, and Martha Moorer.  Members and guests were greeted by a charming “garden hostess” created by Carolyn Hutcherson.

     After the meal, members were entertained with Christmas songs and hymns.  Glenn and Sherri Eubanks brought Christmas into our hearts with their beautiful singing and playing!  Members even enjoyed singing along favorite renditions.

     We adjourned the meeting full of the Christmas spirit and eager to attend our next meeting in January hosted by Ree Smith, Bev Colquett and Elba Bonham.

     Happy New Year!   (Submitted by Sammye Long)




Program on Hydrangeas

       The Monroeville Garden Club met on February 13, 2025, at 1:30 pm at the home of Ree Smith.  Carolyn Hutcherson and June Herring were ...