Saturday, February 17, 2024

Work Days Around the Square

      Charlotte and others from garden club worked on the Katherine Lee Rose Garden on Thursday, February 15th .  They worked so hard that no one took time to take a picture to document their work but as you ride by you will notice that all the roses have been trimmed and soon will be blooming.  This is a huge job and thanks to all who were able to help Charlotte. 

      Special thanks to Charlotte and her husband who returned on Saturday to finish trimming the large running rose which has such wicked thorns.  They braved the cold to finish this task.

       February has been designated as a work month in preparation for the Literary Festival on March 1 and 2, as well as all the visitors that will be coming for the play in the spring.  The schedule is as follows:

     Tuesday,  February 20         Time is 1:30 for each day and of course, depending on the weather.

     Thursday, February 22

     Tuesday,   February 27

     Thursday,  February 29

        Several members are already on committees for designated areas so feel free to work any time outside the schedule if more convenient for you.  

                Bev, Emilie and June worked on the beds across from the police station.

After conferring with the city, we were able to get these bushes pulled up with
the plan of planting knock out roses here.

The above bed is now considered private property and part of "The Shop at 66"
We have talked with the property owner about removing the shrubs
and replacing with more knockout roses.
This was the "before" picture of the bed by the gazebo.

June making final cleanup around the bed after it was weeded and the roses trimmed

   Emilie working to separate roses from the overgrown shrubs which we hope to replace with knockout roses.


Using Containers to Enhance Your Flower Arrangements

      The Monroeville Garden Club met February 8, 2024, at the home of Charlotte Lambert, hostess.  Co-hostesses were Sara Bradley, Sherri Eubanks and Scarlet Strom.

      Charlotte began the meeting with a word of prayer and then gave an informative program on using different containers for flower arrangements.  We were shown how to match a container to enhance the beauty of the flowers that were used.  Pictures of beautiful arrangements were shared as examples of this technique.

      We were so glad to welcome all of our new members at the meeting:  June Herring, Kay Wilson, Faye Estes, and Carole Parker.

      Delicious refreshments were served after the program:  Chicken Salad Sandwiches, macaroons, fresh fruit, roasted pecans, Red Velvet Cake, Coffee, Fruit Punch, and Water.

      We all left with satisfied appetites and packages of coleus seeds to use for spring planting.  This was a delightful meeting at the home of our new president.

      Happy Valentine’s Day/Month.  (Submitted by Sammye Long)

Our hostess and President, Charlotte Lambert, presenting the program.

Co-hostesses - (L to R)  Sherri Eubanks, Scarlet Strom, and Sara Bradley

Beautiful Geranium blooms that Charlotte saved in her greenhouse.  Decorative paper shred was 
used to hide the mechanics of the arrangement which was in a clear container.

Program on Hydrangeas

       The Monroeville Garden Club met on February 13, 2025, at 1:30 pm at the home of Ree Smith.  Carolyn Hutcherson and June Herring were ...