Saturday, March 15, 2025

Program on Container Gardening

  The Monroeville Garden Club met on March 13, 2024, at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.  Hostesses for the meeting were Charlotte Lambert, Patsy Wadlington, and Carole Parker.

     The meeting was called to order by President Charlotte Lambert.  There was a short business session reminding members that the April meeting would have a program on butterfly gardens and that the May meeting would be a luncheon with each member responsible for a place setting and a favor.  Charlotte reported that Dr. Sage Smith had tilled the small grass area in front of the library in preparation for sod installation.  A work session at the library will be planned soon.

     Following the business discussion, Charlotte introduced our speaker, Doug Smith, manager at Frisco City Co-Op.  Doug presented a program on container gardening.  He recommended the formula of “thriller, spiller, and filler” for containers.  Large containers are best because this provides more soil.  Choosing plants for a container depends on sun exposure.  Containers come in various materials but wood containers can help buffer soil temperatures compared to metal or plastic.  Some recommended plants for the extreme temperatures in our area are pentas, trailing vinca, zinnias, verbena and asparagus.

     Doug brought each member an Angelwing Begonia and promotional items from the store.

     Following the program, members enjoyed a social time and refreshments of chicken salad and pimento sandwiches, toasted pecans, cheeseball and crackers, brownies and sparkling grape juice.

     Members present included the following:  Martha Moorer, Patsy Wadlington, Dianne Bond, Scarlett Strom, Jeanne Sewell, Jean Singleton, Emilie Martin, Carole Parker, Judi Burns, Ann Pridgen, Charlotte Lambert, Kay Wilson, June Herring, Carolyn Hutcherson and Bev Colquett.

Program on Container Gardening

    The Monroeville Garden Club met on March 13, 2024, at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.   Hostesses for the meeting were Charlotte La...