Saturday, November 12, 2011

Club Members Make Bird Seed Ornaments

     The Monroeville Garden Club met in the CAC at Monroeville First Baptist Church on November 10, 2011, at 1:00 p.m.  Evelyn Bond and Audrey Griffin served as hostesses  for the meeting.
     During the business session, members were brought up to date on club projects:

     Rose Garden - The rose garden was recently mulched with fresh pine straw.  The new benches and sign are ready and will be installed soon.  Chairman, Dana Shinholster, hopes that we will be able to hide the air conditioning system that faces the arbor end of the rose garden with decorative slats in the chain link fence.

     Containers and Hanging Baskets Around the Square - Evelyn Bond reported that she recently re-planted the containers using pencil shrubs, pansies and ornamental cabbages.  The hanging baskets have been taken down and put into storage until next spring.

     "Historic Camellias" - These are the camellias that were rooted from the camellias around the old courthouse on the square.  Jean Booker reported that we have about 50 of these left and it was decided to sell these at the reduced price of $10.00 each.

     Following the business session, Bev Colquett led a workshop on making birdseed ornaments and then members enjoyed a social time with refreshments.

Pat Hornady putting the birdseed mixture in a mold.

Ree Smith showing the "kit" that members were given to make their ornament.

New plants in containers around the square.


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Program on Container Gardening

    The Monroeville Garden Club met on March 13, 2024, at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.   Hostesses for the meeting were Charlotte La...