Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tour of Shorter Garden in Camden, Al.

     On May 10th, 2012, club members traveled to Camden, Al. to tour the beautiful and extensive garden of Mrs. Gayle Shorter.
     The garden has been planted so as to have something blooming at all times.  Right now the daylilies were most prominent and Mrs. Shorter had a number of unique specimens blooming.
     In the backyard, there were raised beds with plantings of tomatoes and other vegetables.  The back patio area featured a shade garden.
     Following the tour, Mrs. Shorter took members inside her home where she had tables set up for lunch. Our lunch was provided by the Blue Spoon Cooking Company.  Members enjoyed a cold plate of chicken salad, pasta salad, fresh fruit, assorted cheeses and crackers .  The finishing touch was a delicious layered lemon dessert.
     After lunch, members visited other points of interest in Camden:  Camden Jewelry and Gifts, Young's Produce Center, Wilcox Farm Center, and Black Belt Treasurers.
     A trip to Petals of the Past is planned for June 7 and then we will have a break in meetings until September.

Mrs. Shorter telling us about the garden.

"Red Hot Poker Plant"

Shade Garden

Vegetable Garden

Evelyn Bond, Mrs Shorter, and Elba Bonham discussing the vegetable garden.

Gail Touchton admiring the shade garden.

Water feature.

Delicious lunch provided by "The Blue Spoon Cooking Company".

Young's had a large assortment of plants and concrete statuary.

1 comment:

  1. I really like that pink daylily with the apple green center!


Program on Container Gardening

    The Monroeville Garden Club met on March 13, 2024, at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.   Hostesses for the meeting were Charlotte La...