Friday, May 10, 2013

Trip to Crenshaw Daylily Farm

     The Monroeville Garden Club traveled to the Crenshaw Daylily Farm in Bay Minette for their meeting on May 9th.  Prior to leaving, members were given garden hats which had been painted with floral designs by Pat Hornady and Bev Colquett to wear as they toured the garden.
     Upon arrival, Dianne Boatwright, owner of the farm, talked with members about the care of daylilies.  When potting the lilies, she mixes 13-13-13 with the dirt.  In the fall, all the lilies are cut back and top-dressed with Osmocote or 8-8-8.  Mrs. Boatwright has more than 20,000 plants to choose from on the farm.  Some plants are registered with the price depending on the variety but there are also many others with prices starting at $5.00
     After shopping for daylilies, members enjoyed a picnic lunch of chicken salad, fruit salad, and a variety of cookies.  Hostesses were Dana Shinholster, Carolyn Holley, and Patsy Wadlington.

Hat favors painted by Pat Hornady and Bev Colquett which were given
to each member who went on the trip

Pat Hornady and Dana Shinholster talk with Dianne Boatwright, Daylily Farm Owner

Pat Hornady and Evelyn Bond  stop shopping for a quick picture.

Dana Shinholster standing in front of some of the 20,000 plants available to buy.

Voncile Stringer talking with Dianne Boatwright.

This is the small group that went on the trip.  I thought we were taking a 
picture to use in the newspaper but after seeing all these funny hat arrangements,
I decided to save our dignity and forego the picture in the paper.  We really needed a 
stylist to help with the hat placement.

Pat Hornady and Dora Pelham taking a break before lunch.

Dana setting up the picnic lunch of chicken salad, fruit salad and cookies.


  1. Dianne Boatwright-CrenshawMay 11, 2013 at 3:53 AM

    I so much enjoyed yall visiting our Daylily Garden. It was so much fun and I loved my daylily hat that was made just for me. I hope that yall plan to make this an annual trip. Lunch was so good also. "What a day for a daylily". Look forward to the next time.


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Program on Container Gardening

    The Monroeville Garden Club met on March 13, 2024, at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.   Hostesses for the meeting were Charlotte La...