Monday, November 18, 2013

Dot Martin Presents Program on Christmas Decorating Trends

     The Monroeville Garden Club met on November 14 at 1:00 pm at the home of Evelyn Bond.  Patsy Wadlington served as co-hostess.

     During the business session, it was announced that the December fund raiser had been cancelled.

     Bev Colquett reported that Walter Crim of Central Farm Supply should have the plants for the containers on the square by next week.  The large pots will be planted with cone-shaped compacta holly shrubs and white pansies.  Red bows and berries will be added in December for a festive touch.

     Dana Shinholster reported that the rose garden had been weeded and fresh pine straw was put down.

     A program on decorating for Christmas was given by Dot Martin of Finishing Touches.  Dot said that red and green continue to be the most popular Christmas colors but she showed ways to introduce "trendy touches" to the traditional look.  Burlap is very big this year and is often paired with elegant embroidery and glitter that make it dressy enough for any decor.  Dot demonstrated how to use deco mesh to decorate a tree and how to put together a tree "topper".  To facilitate putting lights on the tree, she recommended using a multi outlet extension cord which has an on/off switch.

     Following the program, members enjoyed refreshments of Apple Pecan Cake, Lemon Glazed Tea Biscuits, Butterscotch Haystacks, spiced tea and coffee.  Fourteen members and one guest attended.

Dot Martin demonstrates adding a tree topper.

Gail Touchton and Sara Bradley with the wreath made by Dot.
An artificial wreath was used as the base and fresh greenery was added .

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Program on Container Gardening

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