Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Backyard Composting

     The Monroeville Garden Club met on February 13, 2014, at 1:00 pm at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.  Hostesses for the meeting were Nancy Ziebach, Margaret Groves and Judi Burns.

     Mike McQueen, agent with the Auburn Extension Service, gave a power point presentation on composting.  Members learned that by recycling leaves and other yard waste and some kitchen scraps, it is possible to make your own compost.  Information was provided in selecting a location, choosing a container, making and maintaining the compost pile and then harvesting the finished compost.  Several handouts were provided for future reference.

     Following the program, members enjoyed refreshments of Chocolate Chip Cake, Mini Red Velvet Cupcakes, Mushroom Bites, Chocolate Covered Strawberries, Lemonade Punch and Coffee.  Twelve members attended.

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    The Monroeville Garden Club met on March 13, 2024, at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.   Hostesses for the meeting were Charlotte La...