Thursday, September 11, 2014

Using Antiques in the Garden

     Monroeville Garden Club held its first meeting of the club year on Thursday, September 11, 2014, at 1:00 pm at the home of Gail Touchton in Monroeville.

     A program on "Using Antiques in the Garden" was given by Vicki Sims.  Vicki is the owner of the  shop, The Red Door , located in Excel.  She brought a number of items which had been re-purposed and used in her garden.  Some  of those items included a large birdcage that was used as a planter and filled with moss and ferns, a chandelier made into a bird feeder, a whimsical "lady" yard stake made from a metal cover, and an old mirror embellished with decals, to name a few.

     Following the program, there was a business session. Members were given their new yearbooks and projects for the year were discussed.  On December 11th at 12:00 pm, the club will sponsor a Christmas Luncheon featuring a guest speaker.  Tickets will be $20.00 each and can be purchased from any garden club member.  On Saturday, April 25th, the club will sponsor a garden tour from 9-2 and tickets will be $10.00.  All funds raised will be used for beautification of the Square.

     Gail Touchton shared a garden hint.  Recently she read of a recipe for a weed killer which she tried and found that it successfully killed weeds within 24 hours.  The recipe calls for 1 gallon of vinegar, 2 cups of epsom salt, and 1/4 cup Dawn Dish Soap. Mix these ingredients and then spray on weeds.

     At the conclusion of the meeting, members enjoyed refreshments of pimento cheese finger sandwiches, brownies, lemon squares, chocolate covered almonds, grapes, coffee and tea.  Members attending were:  Gail Touchton, Bev Colquett, Ree Smith, Patsy Wadlington, Dorothy Crawford, Audrey Griffin, Nancy Ziebach, LeNette Knapp, Laura Bodiford, Dana Shinholster and guest, Carolyn Hutcherson.

Vicki Sims with some "re-purposed" items for the garden.

A whimsical garden stake made by Vicki.

Our hostess, Gail Touchton.

(L to R)  LeNette Knapp, Carolyn Hutcherson, and Patsy Wadlington

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