Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Program on Butterflies

The Monroeville Garden Club met on Thursday, April 14, 2016, at 1:00 p.m. at the home of Evelyn Bond.  Vonceil Stringer was the co-hostess.

Ms. Alice Marty, a Master Gardener from Mobile, presented a program on butterflies.  She talked about the life cycle of the butterfly , the different kinds of butterflies and the type host plant needed to attract them.   To attract butterflies to the garden, Ms. Marty recommended that you have at least three nectar rich plants such as lantana, and two kinds of host plants such as milkweed and fennel.

Following the program, reports were given on projects around the square.  Last month some of the members spent several days working on the Katherine Lee Rose Garden.  Weeds were removed, the roses were pruned and new mulch was put down.  The benches in the rose garden have deteriorated and will have to be replaced.  The project to plant drift roses and some new shrubs around the courthouse has been completed.  New plants have been put in the containers around the square and most of the hanging baskets have been put out.  A new project this year is to add some plants in the boxes around the crepe myrtles and about one third of these have been completed.

After the business session members enjoyed refreshments of pound cake with fruit topping, chocolate haystacks, olive rollups, pimento cheese sandwiches and coffee.
Those attending were Laura Bodiford, Evelyn Bond, Judi Burns, Bev Colquett, Audrey Griffin, Margaret Groves, Carolyn Hutcherson, Dana Shinholster, Ree Smith, Vonceil Stringer, Gail Touchton, Patsy Wadlington, Nancy Ziebach, and guest, Nancy Davis.

The May meeting will be at the home of Bev Colquett and the program will be on bee keeping.
Our hostess, Evelyn Bond and co-hostess, Voncile Stringer.
Our speaker, Alice Marty

Ms. Marty giving recipe for "Butterfly Potpourri".
Three different size flower pots, 2 bags of commercial potting
mix, slow release fertilizer, nectar rich plants- 3 lantana camaras,
and host plants - 2 asclepius and 3 or 4 fennel.

A few shots of Evelyn's beautiful garden

Patsy Hutcherson and Laura Bodiford working on the
Katherine Lee Rose Garden.  Others who helped were
Brenda Gardner and Bev Colquett.
New plants in the containers.

The rose garden is really looking good right now but these pictures
don't do it justice.  Stop by and take a look when you are in town.

The new drift roses are just getting ready to bloom.

This is one of eight beds in the front and back of the courthouse.
Drift roses were planted and we have added a groundcover.

Gazania plants have been added to some of the
beds around the square and should be in bloom soon.

One of the hanging baskets that was carried over from
last year.  Gail has added several blooming baskets as well

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