Saturday, November 12, 2016

Program on Orchids

     The Monroeville Garden Club met on Thursday, November 10, 2016, at 1:00 p.m. at the home of Pam Hindman.  Nancy Ziebach served as co-hostess.

     Harry and Beverly Stephens , members of the Mobile Orchid Society, presented a program on orchids.  Mrs Stephens related that her husband gave her an orchid as a Valentine's gift one year which led to an obsession and they now have over 300 orchids.

     Orchids grow on every continent except Antarctica and there are about 30,000 species.  The basic thing to remember in caring for orchids is to reproduce the growing conditions of their natural habitat.  Orchids like to be "pot bound" and the best potting media is a bark mix.

     The Stephens recommended The American Orchid Society website ( as a place to get good information on growing orchids.  Also, the Mobile Area Orchid Society has a website:

     Mrs. Stephens presented all the club members with cuttings from two different orchids and also gave two orchids as door prizes.

     Following the program, members were served Pumpkin Cake, a fruit tray, nuts, apple slices with cream cheese and caramel dip,  a cheese ring with crackers and Mocha Punch.

     In attendance were Dotsy Compton, Bev Colquett, Robin Rawls, Ree Smith, Carolyn Hutcherson, Jean Singleton, Sharon Brewton, Jeanie Sewell, Elba Bonham, Sara Bradley, Brenda Gardner, Nancy Ziebach and Pam Hindman.

Our speaker, Beverly Stephens, shows an orchid mounted to driftwood.  She gave this as a door prize.

Nancy Ziebach, co-hostess and Pam Hindman, hostess for the meeting.

Ree Smith looks at the door prize won by Robin Rawls

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