Monday, October 30, 2017

The Monroeville Garden Club met on Thursday, October 12, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. at City Hall in Monroeville. Judi Burns and Margaret Groves were the hostesses for the meeting.

Guest speaker was Ms. Nadine Johnson, a published author and master herbalist. Not only has she written numerous herbal garden columns for newspapers across Alabama, she has personally grown and harvested her own herb and plant gardens. A pioneer in herbal research, Ms. Johnson recounted personal experiences in which herbs did and still do provide significant improvement in her overall health, when modern medicines did not. She is also known for her stories of human-interest, and recalled a few from her latest book titled “LifeRevisited (and recipes).” She encourages others to write down their stories as well, not for publication, but because she feels our stories are our legacy.

Following our program, members were served with Halloween-themed snacks including Reese’s cup brooms, a pumpkin cheeseball, brownies, stuffed eggs, open-faced pumpkin sandwiches, and witches’ brew punch.

Nadine Johnson
Margaret Groves and Judi Burns

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