Wednesday, April 18, 2018

April Meeting

The Monroeville Garden Club met on Thursday, April 12 at 1:00 pm at Monroeville Presbyterian Church. The hostess for the meeting was Nancy Ziebach with Elba Bonham as co-hostess. The ladies enjoyed a wonderful presentation titled "Grocery Store Botany" by Dr. Judy Stout, a botanist from Mobile Master Gardeners.

Do you think you know the difference between fruits and vegetables? Can you identify the parts of a plant, and what it requires to grow? Most of us are familiar with different plant seeds, stems, leaves and flowers, grasses and grains, but how often do we recognize which part of the plant we are looking at or eating? The next time you find yourself on the produce aisle in the grocery store, test your knowledge of botany. It really is fascinating to learn how plants are constantly reproducing to sustain themselves, and how dependent we are on that process to sustain ourselves. If you'd like to try some urban gardening, Dr. Stout recommends the book

After the presentation, the hostesses had prepared delicious tortilla roll-ups, cheese and olive skewers, sliced cucumbers topped with ranch and dill dressing, chocolate cake, raspberry and thyme cookies, punch and coffee for the ladies to enjoy.

Produce for Dr. Stout's presentation

Dr. Judy Stout

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