Friday, November 16, 2018

November Meeting

The Monroeville Garden Club had their monthly meeting on Thursday, November 8 at Monroeville Presbyterian Church. Laura Bodiford was the Hostess and Brenda Gardner Co-Hosted.

The program speaker was Fran Ables, Master Gardener from Baldwin County Master Gardeners. She is originally from Little Rock, AR, and is a lifetime Master Gardener there. The program was titled "Plants Associated With Christmas". There are many flowers and plants we generally think of when the Christmas Season is upon us, Roses and Poinsettias being among the most popular. The Rose is known as the true Christmas blossom and is a symbol of deep Christian faith and devotion. Poinsettias were brought to America over a hundred years ago from Mexico, and there are over 150 million sold each holiday season. Whether given as gifts or used as decorations during the holiday season, Christmas plants and flowers are deeply rooted in folklore. Some of the stories associated with these plants and flowers are a wonderful reminder of what Christmas means to us: Love, peace, faith, goodwill, and the celebration of A Newborn King!

After the program, a luncheon of butternut squash bisque, french bread and cheese, nuts, apples, and two kinds of brownies were served. There was also warm apple cider, tea, coffee, and water to drink.

Ms. Fran Ables, Master Gardener


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