Monday, April 29, 2019

April Outing

The Monroeville Garden Club members and guests met on April 11 at the home of Ms. Pat Hendrix in Frisco City. There was no official meeting held as no business was conducted, but members and guests enjoyed touring the beautiful gardens on the property. There was a handout provided on shade gardening, along with a list of plants recommended for such. Ms. Hendrix was on hand to speak on the subject and entertain any other questions/comments about various plants in the garden. 

Mrs. Bev Colquett was the hostess for the outing, and provided yummy, Spring/Easter themed snacks served box-style for members and guests to enjoy. These included bunny-shaped walnut-cream cheese sandwiches, egg-shaped pimento-cheese sandwiches, fruit kabobs, cream cheese pecan cookies, Rolo pretzel turtles, lemonade punch and coffee. A picnic table was decorated with an Easter basket centerpiece, which the ladies enjoyed.

Everyone in attendance agreed that the property is absolutely stunning and pictures simply do not do justice. The Monroeville Garden Club would like to thank Ms. Pat Hendrix for her hospitality, her wisdom, and for her inspiration.

"A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust." ~ Gertrude Jekyll


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