September marks a new year for the Monroeville Garden Club, and Ms. Sharon Brewton hosted the first meeting at her home in Monroeville. Ms. Jean Singleton was the co-hostess. Members welcomed one another back after the summer break and were excited to catch up before the meeting was called to order. Per usual, the first meeting is a time for members to receive new yearbooks, discuss and decide on upcoming plans and projects, talk through old and new business, and just enjoy being together again.
The ladies kicked the meeting off with a challenging but fun game of Garden Scattegories. There is never a shortage of laughter when this group gets together, especially when games are thrown into the mix. How many annual flowers beginning with the letter "M" could you name in two minutes? What about vegetable garden plants beginning with "C"? You might surprise yourself!
After discussing the ongoing projects of the MGC, members agreed to press on with no major changes. Working to maintain the Katherine Lee Rose Garden outside the courthouse and assisting in the maintenance of the landscaping at the Monroe County Public Library are just a couple of ways the MGC serves to keep our town beautiful.
After taking care of business the ladies picked right back up swapping stories and sharing their summertime. They enjoyed a variety of goodies including almond tea cakes, pecan tarts, pretzel snack mix, a pepper relish dip and a shallot and chive dip, crackers, mixed nuts, cheese straws, pimento cheese sandwiches, fresh strawberries and grapes, and beautiful cupcakes decorated with brightly-colored buttercream flowers, and lemonade to wash it all down.
September finds many of us longing for autumn and the promise of cooler, crisp air and leaves changing colors. Summer seems to linger, especially in the south. If we could bottle up our favorite memories of summer, what would they be? The smell of fresh-cut grass? Children splashing in a shallow creek? Lazy dogs under the porch swing? Hold on to these last days of summer. We'll be missing them before we know it.
New Yearbook Cover |
Dining table with centerpiece |
Dining Room Centerpiece |
Table full of goodies |
Close-up of cupcakes |
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