Wednesday, December 18, 2019

November Meeting

These last months of the year have certainly been busy for most of us, and the Monroeville Garden Club has had some exciting things going on! 

A workday in late October proved very productive, as members weeded the drift roses and worked on two beds that are part of the old courthouse landscape. The pots along the square have also been updated with winter plants and new lights.

There was a scheduled meeting on November 14 at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church. Hostess Voncile Stringer and Co-Hostess Sara Bradley did a wonderful job of setting up, decorating, and preparing and serving refreshments.

This was a very special meeting in that Ms. Margaret Groves presented Ms. Evelyn Bond with a lifetime membership in the Garden Club of America on behalf of the Monroeville Garden Club. These lifetime memberships help fund Garden Club of America scholarships which are given to men and women who are studying to be horticulturists, landscape designers, or foresters. Congratulations to you, Ms. Evelyn Bond! Ms. Diane Bond was also recognized as a guest of Ms. Bond.   

The MGC also welcomed two new members, Pat Hendrix and Charlotte Lambert. We are certainly excited to grow again!   

The program titled, "Gardening with Bulbs" was presented by Ms. Luan Akridge, Master Gardener from Mobile, Al. She spoke about the five basic types of bulbs including true bulbs, corms, tubers, rhizomes, and tuberous roots, and brought examples of each one. If you're interested in your own bulb garden, is a great online resource and has lots of useful information to help get you started. When buying bulbs, Ms. Akridge recommends looking for plump, firm bulbs that feel heavy for their size. Buying good quality bulbs assures you of the best first year performance, but location, soil, and proper planting are other factors that will influence the outcome. You should choose a location by growing conditions specific to each bulb. Most bulbs require good drainage, so make sure to assess the condition and quality of the soil. Add organic matter if your soil needs improving. When planting bulbs, you should follow the recommended planting depth and spacing specific to each bulb type. 

Ms. Akridge brought a number of plants from her personal garden and invited members to choose one to take with them when departing.

Refreshments of pimento cheese sandwiches, chicken salad sandwiches, cheese straws, pecan tassies, and tea cakes were served, and members and guests enjoyed their time together.

(L) Voncile Stringer - Host
(R) Sara Bradley - Co-Hostess

Margaret Groves presenting Evelyn Bond with Lifetime Membership to GCA

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Program on Container Gardening

    The Monroeville Garden Club met on March 13, 2024, at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.   Hostesses for the meeting were Charlotte La...