Saturday, December 18, 2021

Christmas Luncheon

      The Monroeville Garden Club had a luncheon and ornament exchange on December 16, 2021, at Vanity Fair Golf Club.  Hostesses for the luncheon were Patsy Wadlington and Carolyn Hutcherson.  The tables were decorated with red tablecloths and fresh flower arrangements featuring red roses, pine and other mixed greenery, dried hydrangea blooms and bird ornaments.  As a favor, members were given an ornament painted by Sharon Owens.

     A buffet lunch of Chicken Parmesan over Rice Pilaf, green beans, rolls and a variety of deserts were served.  Following lunch members exchanged Christmas ornaments.

     The following members attended:  Dianne Bond, Evelyn Bond, Sharon Brewton, Judi Burns, Tonja Carter, Bev Colquett, Brenda Gardner, Carolyn Hutcherson, Charlotte Lambert, Sammye Long, Ann Pridgen, Jeanne Sewell, Jean Singleton, Ree Smith, Holly Tennimon, and Patsy Wadlington.  Jean Booker, a former member, was a special guest.

Hostesses:  Patsy Wadlington and Carolyn Hutcherson

                                                   Centerpiece designed by Carolyn Hutcherson

Friday, November 5, 2021

Garden Club Members Show Their Creativity

The Monroeville Garden Club met on November 4, 2021, at 1:30 p.m. at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.

 Mrs. Sherri Scott of the Purple Guinea Studio led the group in painting zinnias on a flower pot. After getting basic instructions on painting the flowers, members then personalized their pot in creative ways.

 Sharon Brewton was hostess for the meeting with Jean Singleton and Brenda Gardner as co-hostesses. Members enjoyed cupcakes, snack mix cups, and fresh fruit during the social time. 

 The following members were in attendance: Bev Colquett, Dianne Bond, Judi Burns, Sharon Brewton, Brenda Gardner, Pat Hendrix, Charlotte Lambert, Sammye Long, Jeanne Sewell, Jean Singleton, Holly Tennimon, and Patsy Wadlington.
Sherri Scott of the Purple Guinea Studio

(Seated L to R)  Dianne Bond, Jeanne Sewell, Jean Singleton, Holly Tennimon
(Back Row L to R) Brenda Gardner, Bev Colquett, Patsy Wadlington, Judi Burns, Pat Hendrix, Charlotte Lambert and Sammye Long

Garden Club Shenanigans

(L to R)  Hostess, Sharon Brewton and Co-Hostesses, Brenda Gardner and Jean Singleton

Friday, October 15, 2021

Trip to the Grand Hotel

  For the October meeting, the Monroeville Garden Club traveled to Point Clear, Alabama where tour guides gave the history of the hotel followed by a tour of the grounds.

  The guide for the grounds identified plants, offered cuttings, and recommended using Fuslaide (a selective herbicide) to get rid of weeds such as Torpedo Grass which is a big problem in the beds around the courthouse.  The guide said that they water their pot plants every day and include a small amount of fertilizer in the water.

   After the tour, members met in the Bayside Grill where they had a lunch of Honey Pecan Chicken Salad Croissant and fresh fruit.

   The following members made the trip:  Laura Bodiford, Dianne Bond, Evelyn Bond, Elba Bonham, Sharon Brewton, Bev Colquett, Pat Hendrix, Carolyn Hutcherson, Charlotte Lambert, Jeanne Sewell, Jean Singleton, Patsy Wadlington, Laura York and Nancy Ziebach.

Snack of Blueberry Muffins provided by Patsy 

L to R:  Dianne Bond, Laura York, Evelyn Bond, Charlotte Lambert, Carolyn Hutcherson, Jeanne Sewell
Patsy Wadlington, Bev Colquett, Laura Bodiford, Sharon Brewton, Nancy Ziebach, Elba Bonham.
Kneeling L to R:  Jean Singleton and Pat Hendrix

Touring the herb garden

Beautiful Pink Muhly Grass being admired by Jeanne Sewell

Carolyn Hutcherson and Pat Hendrix examine one of the planters

Sunday, September 12, 2021

First Meeting of the New Year

 The Monroeville Garden Club had its first meeting of the new year on September 9, 2021, at 1:30 p.m. at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.

 Holly Tennimon, President, called the meeting to order.  New yearbooks were passed out and there was a brief discussion about the October meeting.  The club is scheduled to tour the gardens at the Grand Hotel and have lunch afterwards.  Patsy requested that members notify her if they planned to attend so that lunch reservations could be made.

 Next Holly briefed members on the various projects around the square that the club would undertake.  Sign up sheets were passed out so that members could choose an area to work in.  This concluded the business session and members then enjoyed a social time with refreshments of Veggie Rollups, Salted Toasted Pecans, and Chocolate Chip Cookies.

 Laura Bodiford was hostess and Holly Tennimon was co-hostess.  Members in attendance included:  Laura Bodiford, Dianne Bond, Evelyn Bond, Elba Bonham, Sara Bradley, Sharon Brewton, Judi Burns, Tonja Carter, Bev Colquett, Sarah Countryman, Carolyn Hutcherson, Sammye Long, Lynne Noah, Ann Pridgen, Jeanne Sewell, Jean Singleton, Holly Tennimon, Patsy Wadlington, and Nancy Ziebach.

 As members left , they were given an aloe vera plant which was donated by Pat Dawson along with a handout on how to care for the plant and some of the medicinal uses of it.

New Yearbook - Photo provided by Melanie Dees Andress

(L to R)  Hostess - Laura Bodiford and Co-Hostess- Holly Tennimon

Aloe Vera Plants given to members

Sunday, June 6, 2021

March Outing

 In March, Monroeville Garden Club members traveled to Camden, Alabama with several tours on the agenda. 

The first stop was to Riverbend, owned by Chris Bailey and Ryan Dunagan. They bought the property in 2017 and have completely renovated it, losing none of its historical charm. Pictures absolutely do not do this property justice. Chris guided the tour of the home and the gardens and detailed every project, completed and ongoing. The property was featured in the Wilcox Historical Society 2021 Tour of Homes. You can follow them on Facebook or Instagram to see more pictures and keep up with the progress they are making. 

The next stop was to Camden Jewelry and Gifts, where everyone was sure to find something on their wish list. Check out to see what lovely things they have!

Afterward members and guests found themselves at Young's Plant Nursery, taking in the beautiful plants and yard decor. They have a lot to offer! Find them online at and see if they have what you might be looking for.  

A final stop at the Pecan on Broad ( lunch, also owned by Chris Bailey and Ryan Dunagan, was perfect for relaxing and refueling. What a beautifully renovated restaurant! Garden Clubbers enjoyed chicken salad, orzo pasta, and broccoli salad, and even did a little more browsing through the market for unique gifts - many of which are from vendors in Alabama - and wines. They also have frozen take-and-bake meals and fabulous desserts.

It was quite a day for the Monroeville Garden Club. And if you think small towns in Alabama don't have much to offer you probably haven't been to Camden!

















Young's Plant Nursery



Program on Hydrangeas

       The Monroeville Garden Club met on February 13, 2025, at 1:30 pm at the home of Ree Smith.  Carolyn Hutcherson and June Herring were ...