Sunday, September 12, 2021

First Meeting of the New Year

 The Monroeville Garden Club had its first meeting of the new year on September 9, 2021, at 1:30 p.m. at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.

 Holly Tennimon, President, called the meeting to order.  New yearbooks were passed out and there was a brief discussion about the October meeting.  The club is scheduled to tour the gardens at the Grand Hotel and have lunch afterwards.  Patsy requested that members notify her if they planned to attend so that lunch reservations could be made.

 Next Holly briefed members on the various projects around the square that the club would undertake.  Sign up sheets were passed out so that members could choose an area to work in.  This concluded the business session and members then enjoyed a social time with refreshments of Veggie Rollups, Salted Toasted Pecans, and Chocolate Chip Cookies.

 Laura Bodiford was hostess and Holly Tennimon was co-hostess.  Members in attendance included:  Laura Bodiford, Dianne Bond, Evelyn Bond, Elba Bonham, Sara Bradley, Sharon Brewton, Judi Burns, Tonja Carter, Bev Colquett, Sarah Countryman, Carolyn Hutcherson, Sammye Long, Lynne Noah, Ann Pridgen, Jeanne Sewell, Jean Singleton, Holly Tennimon, Patsy Wadlington, and Nancy Ziebach.

 As members left , they were given an aloe vera plant which was donated by Pat Dawson along with a handout on how to care for the plant and some of the medicinal uses of it.

New Yearbook - Photo provided by Melanie Dees Andress

(L to R)  Hostess - Laura Bodiford and Co-Hostess- Holly Tennimon

Aloe Vera Plants given to members

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