Monday, December 12, 2022

December Luncheon

 On December 8, 2022, the Monroeville Garden Club met at the Presbyterian Church for a delicious Christmas luncheon.  Hostesses were Tonja Carter, Emilie Martin, Ann Pridgen, Jeanne Sewell and Gail Touchton.

Members were greeted at the door by “Evergreen”, a delightful garden lady, created by Bev Colquett.  With Christmas music playing in the background, our Christmas spirits and appetites were enhanced by a delicious cup of Christmas cider.

Beautiful table centerpieces, designed by each hostess, adorned the tables, which were set in gorgeous Christmas china of choice.  Gold cutlery and Christmas napkins also adorned each table.  Hand crafted wax sachets created by Bev Colquett were given as table favors.

Our menu consisted of grilled bacon wrapped chicken breasts, string beans, oven roasted potatoes, rolls, cheesecake, water and tea.  This delicious meal was catered by Cherry Street Bar-B-Que owned by Melvin Foukal.

After the meal, members adjourned to the church sanctuary where we were entertained with a delightful piano program by Faron McKinley.  We heard the most interesting story of Faron’s early musical beginnings up to his graduating from Livingston University.  And we also discovered that he has a wonderful voice.  My personal favorite musical number was his own composition, “The Colors of Christmas”.  Thank you, Faron, for such a heartwarming start to the Christmas season -Merry Christmas.

Submitted By  Sammye Long

Table Hostess - Tonja Carter

                                                             Table Hostess - Jeanne Sewell

Table Hostess - Ann Pridgen

Table Hostess - Gail Touchton 

Table Hostess - Emilie Martin

Wax Sachet Table Favors


                                                                           Faron McKinley

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Program on "Good Bugs -Bad Bugs"

     The Monroeville Garden Club met on November 10, 2022, at 1:30 at the Presbyterian Church.  Scarlett Strom was hostess with Dianne Bond and Laura York acting as co-hostesses.

     Tables were decorated with a lovely fall theme of greenery, pumpkins, and flowers.  Gorgeous Thanksgiving napkins gave an elegant theme to the attractive plates and eating utensils.

     Jacob Kelley, horticulture agent from Mobile Extension Service gave a delightful and informative talk, with slides, about “Good Bugs and Bad Bugs”.  He also encouraged us to rotate areas of planting, especially for vegetables, and to destroy any old plants that had an infestation.

     After the program, we enjoyed a delicious menu of turkey sliders, turkey cheeseballs and crackers, grapes, spice cake and nuts.  Caramel corn, Chex Mix, and Rollo candy accompanied everyone home in a delightful snack bag. (Submitted by Sammye Long)

(L to R) - Scarlett Strom, Laura York and Dianne Bond

Jacob Kelley 

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

October Meeting Features a Garden Craft

      The Monroeville Garden Club met on October 13, 2022, at the home of Laura Bodiford, hostess, with Charlotte Lambert as co-hostess.

       Charlotte began the meeting with a delightful and innovative demonstration of the construction of a hummingbird feeder, using empty wine bottles and china cups and saucers.  Club members assembled around two long tables to individually make their feeders.  Each feeder was unique and beautiful!

       After crafting, refreshments were served inside Laura's lovely, contemporary farmhouse.  A Halloween theme throughout the home brought smiles to everyone's face.  A beautiful table of delicious treats whet everyone's appetite:  Autumn Trail Mix, Oatmeal Scotchies, grapes, Turkey and Cranberry Sandwiches, Ham and Apricot Preserves Sandwiches, Pumpkin Desert Bars, apple juice, coffee and water.

     We adjourned after a great time of fellowship and were again treated with a gift bag of seeds to plant and grow Queen Anne's Lace.

      Thank you Laura and Charlotte for a fun and nostalgic afternoon of activity. (Submitted by Sammye Long)

(L to R)  Charlotte Lambert and Laura Bodiford


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Decoupage and Review of Programs For the Year


     The Monroeville Garden Club met on September 8, 2022, at the home of Evelyn Bond, hostess, with Gail Touchton as co-hostess.

     President Bev Colquett called the meeting to order.  Sammye Long, Recording Secretary, called roll.  Members attending were:  Dianne Bond, Evelyn Bond, Elba Bonham, Sara Bradley, Sharon Brewton, Judi Burns, Bev Colquett, Sherri Eubanks, Brenda Gardner, Pat Hendrix, Carolyn Hutcherson, Sammye Long,  Martha Moorer, Jeanne Sewell, Jean Singleton, Ree Smith, Vonceil Stringer, Scarlet Strom, Patsy Wadlington, and Laura York.  Those absent were:  Laura Bodiford, Tonja Carter, Margaret Groves, Charlotte Lambert, Ann Pridgen, Holly Tennimon, Gail Touchton, and Nancy Ziebach.

     Members were reminded to make a reservation for the October meeting as it will be a workshop led by Charlotte Lambert  to make a hummingbird feeder and  supplies must be purchased.  New club yearbook sheets were dispersed and future programs discussed.

     Afterwards, Bev gave a program on how to decoupage bowls, plates, vases, etc., with napkins.  Dianne Bond assisted in demonstrating the technique by decoupaging a tray.

     Following the program, members enjoyed an assortment of muffins, nuts, red velvet and cheese cake, ham salad sandwiches, lemonade and coffee.  Beautiful china, silverware, napkins, and serving dishes, along with a gorgeous arrangement of cut flowers from Evelyn’s garden succeeded in making the refreshment table as beautiful as it was delicious.

     We were excited to begin the new year with veteran members, as well as, several new “budding gardeners.”!     (Sammye Long)


Saturday, May 14, 2022

Spring Luncheon

      The Monroeville Garden Club met at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church on Thursday, May 12, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. for a salad luncheon.  Bev Colquett was the hostess and co-hostesses were Sammye Long and Ann Pridgen.

     Each member brought a salad and had earlier submitted the recipe which was used to put together a cookbook favor for all.  Tables were decorated with a blue and white theme using cloisonné look chargers and matching napkins.  Hydrangea arrangements in  cloisonné look containers were used as centerpieces.  Ceramic frogs added a touch of garden whimsy.

     After lunch, "Lily Rose Fescue" AKA Kathryn Taylor, gave a humorous talk on a gardener's definition of time.

     The following attended the meeting:  Laura Bodiford, Dianne Bond, Sara Bradley, Sharon Brewton, Bev Colquett, Sarah Countryman, Brenda Gardner, Carolyn Hutcherson, Charlotte Lambert, Sammye Long, Ann Pridgen, Jeanne Sewell, Jean Singleton, Vonceil Stringer, Scarlet Strom, Patsy Wadlington, Nancy Ziebach, and guests- Kathryn Taylor, Emilie Martin, Gail Touchton, and Sherri Eubanks.

Program on Hydrangeas

       The Monroeville Garden Club met on February 13, 2025, at 1:30 pm at the home of Ree Smith.  Carolyn Hutcherson and June Herring were ...