Tuesday, October 25, 2022

October Meeting Features a Garden Craft

      The Monroeville Garden Club met on October 13, 2022, at the home of Laura Bodiford, hostess, with Charlotte Lambert as co-hostess.

       Charlotte began the meeting with a delightful and innovative demonstration of the construction of a hummingbird feeder, using empty wine bottles and china cups and saucers.  Club members assembled around two long tables to individually make their feeders.  Each feeder was unique and beautiful!

       After crafting, refreshments were served inside Laura's lovely, contemporary farmhouse.  A Halloween theme throughout the home brought smiles to everyone's face.  A beautiful table of delicious treats whet everyone's appetite:  Autumn Trail Mix, Oatmeal Scotchies, grapes, Turkey and Cranberry Sandwiches, Ham and Apricot Preserves Sandwiches, Pumpkin Desert Bars, apple juice, coffee and water.

     We adjourned after a great time of fellowship and were again treated with a gift bag of seeds to plant and grow Queen Anne's Lace.

      Thank you Laura and Charlotte for a fun and nostalgic afternoon of activity. (Submitted by Sammye Long)

(L to R)  Charlotte Lambert and Laura Bodiford


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