Sunday, January 29, 2023

Tea Party Themed Meeting

      The Monroeville Garden Club met on January 12, 2023, at the home of Ree Smith, hostess.  Co-hostesses were Bev Colquett, Pat Hendrix and Nancy Ziebach.

     Although the weather outside was wet and stormy, inside was a festive and cheerful atmosphere of a tea party with decorative hats of all types and sizes.  In lieu of a designated program, each member decorated a hat in a delightful motif, predominately flowers, in anticipation of spring growing season!

     Club members discussed the needs of the flower beds around the courthouse square and downtown areas.  Plans were made to work in the rose garden and to discuss, with the mayor, the need to remove the old flower pots from the square, the need to clean out flower beds, prune crape myrtles, and refurbish the Christmas lights in the crape myrtles.

     After the business meeting, delicious refreshments were served on a beautiful table and side buffet.  Club members enjoyed hot spiced tea, water, strawberry chicken salad sandwiches, cucumber sandwiches, cream cheese tarts, shortbread lemon curd cookies, fruit and cheese kabobs and cheese straws.

     Bev Colquett surprised each member with a china teacup transformed into a fragrant candle before the meeting adjourned.  (submitted by Sammye Long)

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Program on Container Gardening

    The Monroeville Garden Club met on March 13, 2024, at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.   Hostesses for the meeting were Charlotte La...