Friday, February 10, 2023

Principles of Flower Design and Flower Arranging Workshop


The Monroeville Garden Club met February 9, 2023, at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.  Judi Burns , hostess, along with co-hostesses Emilie Martin and Scarlett Strom, provided members with a delicious array of finger foods:  Chicken Salad Croissants , cheese and grape hors d’oeuvres, miniature cheesecake squares, chocolate covered strawberries, sugar wafers dipped in chocolate,  cheese straws, punch and water.  All were served with a Valentine motif on a table adorned with a gorgeous centerpiece of tulip tree blossoms.

Charlotte Hamm, a Baldwin County Master Gardener,  presented a very informative slide show and talk concerning the art of arranging flowers.  Members learned the principles of design which included balance, proportion, rhythm, scale, contrast, emphasis and unity, along with basic design shapes.

Buckets of flowers, greenery, and vases, to be used by everyone as each member designed and created her own arrangement, were placed on several tables.

After admiring each creation, the meeting adjourned.  Judi and Emilie delivered several of the arrangements to The Meadows to be used on their dining room tables. (Submitted by Sammye Long)

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