Saturday, May 13, 2023

A Garden Hop for the May Meeting

 For the May meeting, the Monroeville Garden Club had a "garden hop" on May 11, 2023, to tour the gardens of three members.

The first stop was at the home of Bev Colquett where members were served muffins, mini quiches, fruit kabobs, coffee and Breakfast Punch.  Ann Pridgen was co-hostess.


                                                                Sedum favor for members

Next members went to the home of Jean Singleton where lunch was served after touring. Sharon Brewton and Brenda Gardner were co-hostesses.   Members enjoyed chicken salad croissants , chips, grapes, and cheese served in a flowerpot which was given as a favor.


Our final stop was at the home of Jeanne Sewell where dessert was served after touring.  Nancy Ziebach and Holly Tennimon were co-hostesses.  Members were served a beautifully decorated cake and cookies, lemon squares which were decorated with edible butterflies, cream cheese stuffed strawberries, blonde brownies and punch.

In the back ground is a lovely potted plant presented to outgoing President, Bev Colquett

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Program on Container Gardening

    The Monroeville Garden Club met on March 13, 2024, at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.   Hostesses for the meeting were Charlotte La...