Monday, May 20, 2024

Local Garden Tours

      On Friday, May 17th, several members of the garden club toured a couple of local gardens.  First stop was at the home of Bev Colquett to look at her hydrangeas.

Next we went to Mexia to  the home Charlie and Robin Rawls.  Robin and her husband have many "named " daylilies and they were performing beautifully on the day of our visit.  Emilie took a number of pictures and a few of those are being shared here.

     In addition to daylilies, the Rawls have a number of other blooming plants and it is evident that their garden receives many hours of care.


Saturday, May 18, 2024

Luncheon Featuring "Mama's Recipes"

     The Monroeville Garden Club ended their year on May 9th with a delightful luncheon at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.  Hostesses were Laura Bodiford, Carolyn Hutcherson, and Patsy Wadlington.

     President Charlotte Lambert began the meeting with a review of the programs that had been held this year along with various work projects that were undertaken.

     The theme for the luncheon was “Mama’s Recipes”.  Tables were decorated with hats, gloves, purses and colorful flower arrangements.  Also at each place setting there was one of “Mama’s Recipes” for the member to take home.  The menu was Hawaiian Chicken Salad, Brethren Cheese Bread, Orzo Salad, Pimento Cheese Stuffed Celery Sticks, nuts, and for desert, Pound Cake with fresh strawberries and whipped cream.

     For the program, Laura Bodiford gave an interesting talk on how Mother’s Day began.

     The meeting was then adjourned.





Program on Hydrangeas

       The Monroeville Garden Club met on February 13, 2025, at 1:30 pm at the home of Ree Smith.  Carolyn Hutcherson and June Herring were ...