Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas Luncheon

     The Monroeville Garden Club met on December 12, 2013 at 12:00 pm for a Christmas luncheon at Grace Fellowship Church.  Voncile Stringer, Dana Shinholster, Carolyn McMillian, and Sara Bradley were hostesses.
     Christmas decorations in the fellowship hall carried out a rustic garden theme.  A large Christmas tree was decorated with birdhouses, bird nests, birds, and garden tools.  Burlap banners stenciled with garden items were hung on the walls.  Buffet tables were decorated with vintage seed packets and fresh pine boughs.  Each dining table featured a small Christmas tree as a centerpiece and small terra cotta pots of succulents at each place setting were given out as favors.
     The buffet lunch featured Smoked Turkey Sandwiches with Cayenne Mayonnaise and Orange Marmalade, Lemon Basmati Rice Salad, Goat Cheese Mousse with Cranberry Relish, crackers, cheese straws, Mint Tea and a large table of assorted desserts.
     Each member brought a "consumable" gift and following the luncheon, they exchanged these by playing "Dirty Santa".  Next members were given a personality profile based on the shape of their lipstick.
     Eighteen members and two guests attended.

(L TO R) Hostessess:  Carolyn McMillian, Sara Bradley, Dana Shinholster, Voncile Stringer

Monday, November 18, 2013

Dot Martin Presents Program on Christmas Decorating Trends

     The Monroeville Garden Club met on November 14 at 1:00 pm at the home of Evelyn Bond.  Patsy Wadlington served as co-hostess.

     During the business session, it was announced that the December fund raiser had been cancelled.

     Bev Colquett reported that Walter Crim of Central Farm Supply should have the plants for the containers on the square by next week.  The large pots will be planted with cone-shaped compacta holly shrubs and white pansies.  Red bows and berries will be added in December for a festive touch.

     Dana Shinholster reported that the rose garden had been weeded and fresh pine straw was put down.

     A program on decorating for Christmas was given by Dot Martin of Finishing Touches.  Dot said that red and green continue to be the most popular Christmas colors but she showed ways to introduce "trendy touches" to the traditional look.  Burlap is very big this year and is often paired with elegant embroidery and glitter that make it dressy enough for any decor.  Dot demonstrated how to use deco mesh to decorate a tree and how to put together a tree "topper".  To facilitate putting lights on the tree, she recommended using a multi outlet extension cord which has an on/off switch.

     Following the program, members enjoyed refreshments of Apple Pecan Cake, Lemon Glazed Tea Biscuits, Butterscotch Haystacks, spiced tea and coffee.  Fourteen members and one guest attended.

Dot Martin demonstrates adding a tree topper.

Gail Touchton and Sara Bradley with the wreath made by Dot.
An artificial wreath was used as the base and fresh greenery was added .

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Members Make Pottery "Pinch Pots"

     The Monroeville Garden Club met on October 10, 2013, at 1:30 at the home of Bev Colquett.  Dana Shinholster was co-hostess.

     Several items of business were discussed.  A silent auction fundraiser is being planned for Thursday, December 5th at the Monroeville Water Tower.  Members were asked to donate enough items to raise  $100. each.  Pat Hornady is chairman of the event  and details are still being worked out.

     The club was advised of a recent appeal on Facebook by Repton Mayor, Terri Carter, asking for contributions to help pay off legal bills accumulated in the defeat of the Conecuh Woods Landfill.  It was decided the club would send $100. and members were asked to consider making individual donations as well.

     The program was presented by Emilie Oglesby who demonstrated how to make a pottery pinch pot.  She gave each member a block of clay to make their own pot.

     Following the program, refreshments of Chicken Salad Balls, Pecan Cake Bars, Pastry Leaves with Dip, Grapes, Apple Cider Tea, and Coffee were served.  Favors of Thalia Daffodil bulbs were given.
Seventeen members and one guest attended.

Cranberry-Pecan Crusts

Reroll any leftover scraps of dough, and repeat the procedure.
Southern Living SEPTEMBER 2002
  • Yield: Makes 3 to 4 dozen


  • 1 (15-ounce) package refrigerated piecrusts
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped pecans, toasted
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped dried cranberries


Unfold each piecrust, and press out fold lines. Sprinkle 1 piecrust with pecans and cranberries; top with remaining piecrust. Roll into a 14-inch circle, sealing together piecrusts. Cut into desired shapes with a 2- to 3-inch cutter. Place pastry shapes on a lightly greased baking sheet.
Bake at 425° for 8 to 10 minutes or until golden.
Pecan Pie Bars
    • ~For crust:
    • 2 sticks unsalted butter, softened
    • 2/3 cup packed brown sugar
    • 2 2/3 cups all-purpose flour
    • ½ teaspoon salt
    • For topping:
    • 1 stick (½ cup) unsalted butter
    • 1 cup packed light brown sugar
    • 1/3 cup honey
    • 2 tablespoons heavy cream
    • 2 cups chopped pecans
  • Instructions 

    1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF and line a 9x13-inch pan with foil, leaving enough for a 2-inch overhang on all sides.
    2. First make the crust by creaming together the butter and brown sugar until fluffy in a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Add in the flour and salt and mix until crumbly.
    3. Press the crust into the foil-lined pan and bake for 20 minutes until golden brown.
    4. While the crust bakes, prepare the filling by combining the butter, brown sugar, honey and heavy cream in a saucepan and stirring it over medium heat. Simmer the mixture for 1 minute, then stir in the chopped pecans.
    5. Remove the crust from the oven and immediately pour the pecan filling over the hot crust spreading it to cover the entire surface.
    6. Return the pan to the oven and bake an additional 20 minutes
Apple Cider Tea
8 cups water                  3 Family Size Teabags                    3 to 4 cinnamon sticks
1 lemon, in thin slices         3/4 cup sugar                              1/2 gal apple cider

Bring water, tea bags, cinnamon sticks, and lemon; add sugar.  Stir until sugar dissolves completely.  Pour in apple cider and heat through.  Serve hot or over ice.  (Recipe from The Entertaining Touch-Southern Lady Magazine)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Club Members Paint Decorative Pots

     The Monroeville Garden Club met on September 12, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. at The Purple Papaya.  Pat Hornady and Dorothy Crawford served as hostesses.

     For the program, Faye Dueitt and Donna Salter assisted members in painting a terra cotta pot.

     After the program there was a business meeting and then members enjoyed refreshments of Praline Pecan Cheesecake, pound cake, coffee, and lemonade.  Fourteen members attended and one guest.


Patsy Wadlington won this "pot man" as a door prize.

The finished product

Friday, May 10, 2013

Trip to Crenshaw Daylily Farm

     The Monroeville Garden Club traveled to the Crenshaw Daylily Farm in Bay Minette for their meeting on May 9th.  Prior to leaving, members were given garden hats which had been painted with floral designs by Pat Hornady and Bev Colquett to wear as they toured the garden.
     Upon arrival, Dianne Boatwright, owner of the farm, talked with members about the care of daylilies.  When potting the lilies, she mixes 13-13-13 with the dirt.  In the fall, all the lilies are cut back and top-dressed with Osmocote or 8-8-8.  Mrs. Boatwright has more than 20,000 plants to choose from on the farm.  Some plants are registered with the price depending on the variety but there are also many others with prices starting at $5.00
     After shopping for daylilies, members enjoyed a picnic lunch of chicken salad, fruit salad, and a variety of cookies.  Hostesses were Dana Shinholster, Carolyn Holley, and Patsy Wadlington.

Hat favors painted by Pat Hornady and Bev Colquett which were given
to each member who went on the trip

Pat Hornady and Dana Shinholster talk with Dianne Boatwright, Daylily Farm Owner

Pat Hornady and Evelyn Bond  stop shopping for a quick picture.

Dana Shinholster standing in front of some of the 20,000 plants available to buy.

Voncile Stringer talking with Dianne Boatwright.

This is the small group that went on the trip.  I thought we were taking a 
picture to use in the newspaper but after seeing all these funny hat arrangements,
I decided to save our dignity and forego the picture in the paper.  We really needed a 
stylist to help with the hat placement.

Pat Hornady and Dora Pelham taking a break before lunch.

Dana setting up the picnic lunch of chicken salad, fruit salad and cookies.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Installation of New Officers

     The Monroeville Garden Club met on April 11, at 1:00 p.m. at the home of Voncile Stringer.  LeNette Knapp served as co-hostess.
     Since the final meeting of the year will be a field trip, this meeting was used to cover several items of business as well as the installation of new officers.
     Dora Pelham conducted the installation ceremony.  New officers are President, Gail Touchton; Vice President, Dana Shinholster; Secretary, Audrey Griffin; and Treasurer, Nancy Ziebach.
     Following the business session, members had a "plant swap" and enjoyed a social time with refreshments.  Seventeen members attended.

(Left to Right) President- Gail Touchton; Treasurer- Nancy Ziebach; Secretary-
Audrey Griffin and Vice President- Dana Shinholster

Voncile looks over plants that were brought to swap.

LeNette shows Voncile which plant she would like to choose.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Garden Club Travels to Baldwin County

     On March 14, 2013, the Monroeville Garden Club traveled to Baldwin County for their meeting.  The first stop was the Antique Rose Trail in Foley.  Hundreds of roses are planted around a public walking trail through the heart of Foley following the path of the old railroad line.  The roses have signage that identifies each plant species and the year it was propagated.
     It was a little early yet so the roses were just beginning to bloom but in a couple of weeks, the trail should be spectacular!  The trail is beautifully done with attractive paving, benches, and arbors throughout.
     Our next stop was lunch at The Gift Horse Restaurant in Foley where we enjoyed a wonderful buffet complete with several dessert choices.  After lunch we browsed at the Gift Horse Antique Shop next door.
     Our final stop was at Fran's on 59 which is "8.5 acres of waterfalls, gardens, and pottery".  Fran's has a "totally unique mix of natural stone, antiques, fountains, pottery, and landscaping materials".  Check out her webpage at franson59.com.
     Eight members and two guests went on the trip.

(L to R)  Nancy Ziebach, Dora Pelham, Jean Booker, Paula Booker, LeNette
Knapp, and Gail Touchton.

Dora Pelham and one of the roses that was in full bloom.

Entrance to the rose trail with Old Blush across the top just beginning
 to bloom.

Lucy Calloway and one of the many beautiful flower beds in Foley.

Lunch at The Gift Horse.

More beautiful flower beds in Foley.  We learned that the city has a
horticulturist who oversees the plantings there.

Fran's has a wide assortment of pottery and several on the property were
set up as fountains.

Beautiful Koi pond at Fran's

Attractive use of mondo grass.  In the background on the table are individual
pots of mondo which Fran gave to each of us to try out in our own yard.

(L to R) Gail Touchton, Dora Pelham, Lucy Calloway, Bev Colquett, Nancy
Ziebach, Pat Hornady, LeNette Knapp, Paula Booker, (guest), Jean Booker and
Joyce Houston, (guest).

Program on Hydrangeas

       The Monroeville Garden Club met on February 13, 2025, at 1:30 pm at the home of Ree Smith.  Carolyn Hutcherson and June Herring were ...