Thursday, November 12, 2015

Beautification Award Presented by Monroeville Rotary Club

     If you have ridden down the bypass lately,  you have likely noticed an area where the  landscape has been improved with the addition of new flowerbeds and a neatly manicured lawn.  Each time I rode by , I took notice and was curious as to who was responsible for this lovely area.  The mystery was recently solved when the  Monroeville Rotary Club presented their first annual Beautification Award to James and Millie Salter.  They were given a plaque and a check for $250.00 and a sign denoting the award to be placed in their yard.

  The club graciously invited me, as a representative of the Monroeville Garden Club,  to attend the presentation ceremony and I had the opportunity to meet Mr. and Mrs. Salter.  The property had belonged to Mr. Salter's parents and after their death, he acquired it and began the improvements.  Mr. and Mrs. Salter currently live in Mobile and right now just visit periodically which presented a challenge during the dry summer months to keep their landscape looking good.  Mr. Salter retired from the US Postal Service and eventually, he and Mrs. Salter have plans to move here permanently.

   The Salters not only have worked to improve their property but also keep the public sidewalk that adjoins it neatly edged.  They are truly an asset to the community and an inspiration to us all to do whatever we can to make our city the best it can be.

President, Marshall Black, present award to Mr. and Mrs. Salter.

Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Salter with the sign that would be placed in the yard (and the spelling
was corrected later!)

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