Friday, November 13, 2015

Garden Club Learns About Native Plants

     The Monroeville Garden Club met on November 12, 2015, at 1:00 pm at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.  Dana Shinholster was hostess and Brenda Gardner was co-hostess.

     Mrs. Judy Stout, a Master Gardner from Mobile, presented a program on native plants.  A native plant is one that occurs naturally in a particular area.  Native plants are adapted to the climate, diseases, and pests of the area so they require less care and attention than exotic plants brought in from other areas.  Mrs. Stout had a slide presentation showing trees, shrubs, and vines that are native to our area.

     After the program, a business session was held.  The club voted to allocate funds to buy plants for four flowerbeds which are located at the front and back entrances of the courthouse.  Also, they will buy four hanging baskets for the gazebo located by the rose garden.

     Final details for the Christmas luncheon were discussed and then the meeting adjourned for a social time.  Refreshments included cream cheese and pepper jelly sandwiches,  Chickpea Salad, Baked Brie Bites, Oatmeal Cake, cookies decorated like fall leaves, and orange sherbet punch.

     Members who attended the meeting were Laura Bodiford, Evelyn Bond, Sara Bradley, Judi Burns, Lynn Byrd, Bev Colquett, Dotsy Compton, Brenda Gardner, Audrey Griffin, Margaret Groves, Carolyn Hutcherson, Dana Shinholster, Ree Smith, Vonceil Stringer, Gail Touchton, Patsy Wadlington, and Nancy Ziebach.

     On December 10th, the club will host a fund-raising luncheon at Vanity Fair Golf and Tennis Club.  A program on  decorating for Christmas will be presented by Richard Brown Stembridge, a Birmingham decorator.

(L to R)  Brenda Gardner and Dana Shinholster were hostesses for the meeting.

Judy Stout, Master Gardener from Mobile, who presented the program.

Members brought bulbs to exchange.

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    The Monroeville Garden Club met on March 13, 2024, at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.   Hostesses for the meeting were Charlotte La...