Friday, November 16, 2018

November Meeting

The Monroeville Garden Club had their monthly meeting on Thursday, November 8 at Monroeville Presbyterian Church. Laura Bodiford was the Hostess and Brenda Gardner Co-Hosted.

The program speaker was Fran Ables, Master Gardener from Baldwin County Master Gardeners. She is originally from Little Rock, AR, and is a lifetime Master Gardener there. The program was titled "Plants Associated With Christmas". There are many flowers and plants we generally think of when the Christmas Season is upon us, Roses and Poinsettias being among the most popular. The Rose is known as the true Christmas blossom and is a symbol of deep Christian faith and devotion. Poinsettias were brought to America over a hundred years ago from Mexico, and there are over 150 million sold each holiday season. Whether given as gifts or used as decorations during the holiday season, Christmas plants and flowers are deeply rooted in folklore. Some of the stories associated with these plants and flowers are a wonderful reminder of what Christmas means to us: Love, peace, faith, goodwill, and the celebration of A Newborn King!

After the program, a luncheon of butternut squash bisque, french bread and cheese, nuts, apples, and two kinds of brownies were served. There was also warm apple cider, tea, coffee, and water to drink.

Ms. Fran Ables, Master Gardener


Sunday, October 21, 2018

October Meeting

The Monroeville Garden Club met on October 11, 2018 at the home of Jean Singleton in Monroeville, who served as the Hostess. Sharon Brewton was the Co-Hostess.

The program theme was "Bees: Why We Need Them" and was led by Chrissie Hines, Master Gardener from Mobile County Master Gardeners. Chrissie gave a fascinating presentation detailing how important bees are to our ecosystem. Most people know that bees are great pollinators for beautiful flowers, but did you know that bees are also responsible for pollinating one third of our food? This means one in every three bites of food comes from bee pollination, according to In fact, bees alone are responsible for pollinating over ninety different fruits and vegetables we consume every day! Foods like strawberries, blueberries, pumpkin, okra, broccoli, and asparagus are just a few of the fruits and vegetables we enjoy, and we owe it all to bees!

Sadly, healthy bee populations are declining rapidly. Pesticides, disease-spreading mites, and a lack of land due to industrial agriculture are just a few reasons bees are suffering, but there are ways we can help reestablish and encourage growth. Avoid pesticides with neonicotinoid chemicals, as they are toxic to bees and other pollinators. Over half of pesticides found in big-box stores contain neonics, so check labels for a "Protection of Pollenators" guarantee or simply buy/use organic pesticides. Import and/or encourage insects such as ladybugs and praying mantises in your garden, as they are beneficial in controlling harmful mites. Lavendar, Black-Eyed Susan and Rose of Sharon are just a few plants bees love, and bees will be encouraged to visit your garden if you have tasty treats for them. Swapping and planting organic seeds is a great way to ensure your seeds have not been exposed to pesticides, just be sure to leave an undisturbed plot of dirt somewhere in your garden for ground nesting bees. You might also make friends with a local beekeeper and volunteer your time. Buy local, raw honey and products made from beeswax. Getting up close and personal with bees allows us to see their direct impact on our community. Bees are so important in so many ways. Imagine a world without bees...pretty grim, huh?

After the presentation, members and guests were invited to a time of fellowship while enjoying some delicious treats. Fresh strawberries and grapes, mixed nuts, a pepper jelly cheeseball with crackers, and an apple pecan cake with a savory glaze were all on the menu. There were also beautiful cupcakes with bees iced on top, which were truly the bee's knees!

Co-Hostess Sharon Brewton (L)
Hostess Jean Singleton (R)

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Cupcakes with Bees

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Calendar Of Meetings

September 13, 2018 ~ 1:00 p.m.
   Hostess: Holly Tennimon
   Co-Hostess: Laura Bodiford
   Location: Monroeville Presbyterian Church
   Program: Beginning of Year Meeting

October 11, 2018 ~ 1:00 p.m.
   Hostess: Jean Singleton
   Co-Hostess: Sharon Brewton
   Location: 100 Manford Ave, Monroeville
   Program: "Bees: Why We Need Them" by Chrissie Hines, Master Gardener (Baldwin County             Master Gardeners)

November 8, 2018 ~ 1:00 p.m.
   Hostess: Laura Bodiford
   Co-Hostess: Brenda Gardiner
   Location: 223 Old Stage Rd, Repton (location may change)
   Program: "Plants Associated with Christmas" by Fran Ables, Master Gardener (Baldwin County         Master Gardeners)

December 13, 2018 ~ TBD
   Program: MGC Christmas Program

January 10, 2019 ~ 1:00 p.m.
   Hostess: Patsy Wadlington
   Co-Hostess: Carolyn Hutcherson
   Location: TBD
   Program: "Hummingbirds" by Donna Alpin, Master Gardener (Baldwin County Master Gardeners)

February 14, 2019 ~ 1:00 p.m.
   Hostess: Nancy Ziebach
   Co-Hostess: Pam Hindman
   Location: Monroeville Presbyterian Church
   Program: "Citrus" by Tom McLemore, Master Gardener (Capitol City Master Gardeners)

March 14, 2019 ~ 1:00 p.m.
   Hostess: Laura Bodiford
   Co-Hostess: Jeanne Sewell
   Location: 8820 Vaughn Rd, Montgomery, Al 36117 *Alternate location is 223 Old Stage Rd,               Repton
   Program: Field trip to Southern Gardens Center *Alternate option is a program about composting       and vermiculture (composting with worms)

September Meeting

The Monroeville Garden Club kicked off their first meeting of the new season on Thursday, September 12, 2018 after enjoying the summer break. Holly Tennimon and Laura Bodiford hosted the meeting at Monroeville Presbyterian Church. Members were called to order and reviewed, discussed and voted on several things, such as the budget and agenda for the upcoming season, including new projects the Club would be working on to help keep our town beautiful. The meeting was very productive, and the members are looking forward to an eventful year. 

After the meeting, members enjoyed a spread of tea sandwiches with pimento cheese or roasted turkey with bacon-cranberry jam, fresh grapes, sweet and spicy mixed nuts, and apple cheesecake tartlets, with lemon water or chilled apple cider to drink.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

May Gathering

The Monroeville Garden Club met on May 10 at 11:30 a.m. for one last hurrah before the summer break. Bev Colquett hosted the gathering at her home in Monroeville, and Robin Rawls co-hosted. There was no official meeting, just a time of fun and fellowship. The ladies enjoyed an informal salad luncheon including chicken salad with grapes, crackers, pasta salad, fruit salad, mini lime baby cakes, mini strawberry cupcakes, coffee and fruit tea. The recipes for the chicken salad and key-lime baby cakes are posted. After lunch, the ladies were each given a potted daylily from Robin Rawls' collection, and they also traveled to Robin's home in Mexia and toured her garden. The weather was beautiful and the ladies had a wonderful time.

Robin's Chicken Salad
8 cups cubed chicken, baked
1 can water chestnuts
2 cups chopped celery
2 cups sliced almonds
2 lbs grapes
1 can pineapple tidbits, drained
3 cups mayo
1 Tbsp curry
2 Tbsp soy sauce

Mix together and enjoy!

Lime Baby Cakes
3-1/2 cups AP flour
2-1/4 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp kosher salt
1 cup unsalted, room temp butter
2-1/2 cups sugar
4 large eggs, room temp
5 Tbsp fresh lime juice
2 Tbsp finely grated lime peel
neon/electric green food coloring
1-1/2 cups buttermilk

8 oz cream cheese, room temp
1-1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temp
1 Tbsp finely grated lime peel
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Cakes: Preheat oven to 350. Whisk flour, baking powder, and salt in medium bowl and set aside. Beat butter in large bowl til smooth. Add sugar and beat to blend. Beat in eggs one at a time, then lime juice, lime peel, and food coloring. Batter may look curdled, but that's okay. Beat in flour mixture alternately with buttermilk, in 3 additions. Spoon batter into liners, about 2/3 cup full. Bake cupcakes until tester comes out clean, 20 min or so.
Frosting: Beat all ingredients in a medium bowl until smooth. With a medium-large plain round tip, pipe frosting onto cooled cupcakes, or simply spread it on with a knife. Sprinkle a bit of lemon zest over tops if desired.  

Centerpiece at Luncheon
Bev's Patio
Robin's Garden
Robin's Garden
Robin's Garden
Robin's Garden

Robin's Garden

Robin's Garden
Robin's Garden

Robin's Garden

Robin's Garden

Robin's Garden

Robin's Garden

Robin's Garden

Robin's Garden

Robin's Garden
Robin's Garden

Robin's Garden

Robin's Garden

Robin's Garden

Robin's Garden

Robin's Garden

Robin's Garden

Robin's Garden

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

April Meeting

The Monroeville Garden Club met on Thursday, April 12 at 1:00 pm at Monroeville Presbyterian Church. The hostess for the meeting was Nancy Ziebach with Elba Bonham as co-hostess. The ladies enjoyed a wonderful presentation titled "Grocery Store Botany" by Dr. Judy Stout, a botanist from Mobile Master Gardeners.

Do you think you know the difference between fruits and vegetables? Can you identify the parts of a plant, and what it requires to grow? Most of us are familiar with different plant seeds, stems, leaves and flowers, grasses and grains, but how often do we recognize which part of the plant we are looking at or eating? The next time you find yourself on the produce aisle in the grocery store, test your knowledge of botany. It really is fascinating to learn how plants are constantly reproducing to sustain themselves, and how dependent we are on that process to sustain ourselves. If you'd like to try some urban gardening, Dr. Stout recommends the book

After the presentation, the hostesses had prepared delicious tortilla roll-ups, cheese and olive skewers, sliced cucumbers topped with ranch and dill dressing, chocolate cake, raspberry and thyme cookies, punch and coffee for the ladies to enjoy.

Produce for Dr. Stout's presentation

Dr. Judy Stout

Thursday, March 22, 2018

March Meeting

The Monroeville Garden Club met on March 8, 2017, at 1:00 pm at the Monroe County Public Library. Jeanne Sewell and Gail Touchton were hostesses for the meeting.

Steve Stacey, Library Board Member, assisted members in building a bluebird house for their garden. Following the building project, there was a short business session and then members were served cheesecake bites, cheeseball and crackers, chicken salad bites, ham and cheese pinwheel sanwiches and grapes.

The following attended the meeting: Gail Touchton, Jeanne Sewell, Bev Colquett, Laura Bodiford, Evelyn Bond, Carolyn Hutcherson, Patsy Wadlington, Robin Rawls, Jean Singleton, Sharon Brewton, Brenda Gardner, and guest, Dale Anbuhl.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

February Meeting

The Monroeville Garden Club met on February 8, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. at the home of Sharon Brewton in Monroeville. Gracious hostesses were Sharon Brewton and Jean Singleton.

Guest speaker was Mrs. Karen Rhea White, chair of the Baldwin County Master Gardeners. Mrs. White gave a wonderful presentation on airplants, which are unique because they do not require soil to grow, only air and water. In fact, they can thrive with indirect sunlight and simple water misting from a spray-bottle. There are over 730 species of airplants, and they make great houseplants because of their low-maintenance qualities. You can purchase airplants from and

After the presentation, members enjoyed Valentine-themed treats including heart-shaped finger sandwiches, mixed nuts, petit-fours, brownies, strawberries, cookies and candies. There was also fresh lemonade, hot tea and coffee. The table was decorated with a beautiful centerpiece of fresh tulips.

A few of the airplants Karen White brought in for the presentation

Hostesses Sharon Brewton and Jean Singleton

Fresh tulips


Program on Hydrangeas

       The Monroeville Garden Club met on February 13, 2025, at 1:30 pm at the home of Ree Smith.  Carolyn Hutcherson and June Herring were ...