Saturday, March 14, 2015

All About Herbs

     The Monroeville Garden Club met on March 12, 2015, at the home of Bev Colquett in Monroeville, Alabama.  Sara Bradley served as co-hostess.
 Annette Dougherty,  a master gardener from Mobile, presented a program on "Growing Herbs on the Gulf Coast".  She began by answering some frequently asked questions.  The first thing people usually ask is how to pronounce "herb".  Mrs. Dougherty said that it is correct to pronounce either way:  'erb or herb.  A herb is defined as a plant cultivated for a useful purpose such as culinary, medicinal, aromatic, ornamental or household.  When using fresh herbs in a recipe, you should use three times the amount you would use of dried herbs.  Mrs. Daughery brought several handouts with extensive information on growing and using herbs.
 Members brought herbs with them to the meeting and these were exchanged after the program.  Also, members were given a vase with an arrangement of rosemary, artemisia, and mint as a favor by the hostess.
 During the social time, refreshments served included a variety of spiral sandwiches, an assortment of miniature cheesecakes, lemon curd tarts, Butter Button cookies, toasted pecans, grape and cheese kabobs, daisy shaped candy, punch and coffee.  The following members attended:  Bev Colquett, Sara Bradley, Laura Bodiford, Evelyn Bond, Judi Burns, Lynn Byrd, Dotsy Compton, Margaret Groves, Pat Hornady, Carolyn Hutcherson, Pam Hindman, Brenda Gardner, Dana Shinholster, Ree Smith, Vonceil Stringer, Gail Touchton, Patsy Wadlington, and Nancy Ziebach.

Annette Dougherty presented a program on herbs.

Brenda Gardner and Dotsy Compton choose their herb.

Ree Smith and Judi Burns

Some of the items that will be for sale in the "Garden Boutique" at the garden tour in April.

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Program on Container Gardening

    The Monroeville Garden Club met on March 13, 2024, at the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.   Hostesses for the meeting were Charlotte La...